
Scribble io is an android game developed by Target Games Pro. It has become quite a popular game among teens within a short period of time. As its name indicates, it’s a doodling game where players have to guess the right word through the drawings. One game consists of multiple rounds where a person will draw the word and the others have to guess it which ultimately give them points.

The quicker a person guesses the word, the more points he earn! Besides guessing, there is an option of voting to kick out a person if someone is misbehaving that is a good initiative to avoid foul and abusive language. The time limit is appropriate that allows everyone to draw the word easily.

How the Game Works?

Enter your name and hit the Play button. The game comes with 13 different languages and is compatible with android devices. The game’s interface consists of a chatroom where every player will have to guess the word and one by one everyone will be given a choice of three words from which they have to choose a single word for drawing. Then, the player is given a time of 80 seconds. The people who guess quickly will gain more earning points. Thus, this cycle continues and at the end of the each round, the points table is shown for that round. game

How to play Scribbleio

At the top of the game screen, the words are hidden in the blanks. As the time starts to tick, some alphabets starts to fill giving the players some hints. Moreover, users can also like or dislike the drawings made by the other players. The game comes with the option of private chat rooms where you can create your own private game and set rounds for it. You can then invite your friends by sending them a link and enjoy your leisure time with this happy game. 

It is a fun-filled activity that sharpens one’s mind and increase the vocabulary. You can show the world your way of thinking about the particular word. By playing this game, you also get to know that how much you are able to convey your thoughts and whether others are understanding you or not. With practice, one can easily become skilled in this and enjoy interacting with people across the globe! Reviews