
Hexsweep is short for Hexagonal Minesweeper. It is very similar to the classic retro windows game Minesweeper. It was released in December 2017. Hexsweeper is a multiplayer, online game that is available on the desktop and mobile platforms.

The game consists of multiple players who control different parts of the map and can expand their territory by correctly identifying mines and blank spaces.  Therefore, the objective of Hexsweep is simple and straightforward; identify the mines and blank spaces correctly to increase your territory. Your score also increases along with your territory.  The game is incredibly easy to learn and very enjoyable. You would find that you have become quite proficient in a matter of minutes.

Gameplay Description

As soon as the game opens on your browser, you would find the usual space for filling your name. Once you do that the game starts. On the display screen, you would see a cluster of hexagonal tiles of a particular color with numbers written on them. You have to click on the tile next to any number of your choice. If it is the right number, the tiles replicate themselves with new numbers printed on them.

hexsweep.io game

This replication expands your territory because the new tiles take up more space. You can keep clicking on the newly replicated tiles and continue the cycle. However, if you click on the wrong tile, a skull icon appears and wipes out your entire territory. If that happens, you have to start all over. 

Controls to play the game HexSweep.io

  • Left click/tap to reveal a tile.
  • Right click/hold to mark a mine.
  • The number on a tile corresponds to amount of mines around it.

HexSweep.io Reviews